
Terms of Use

Terms of Use

Using the website:

These Terms of Use govern the Site and all affiliated sites of Vonaju. By accessing the Site, you agree to comply with and be bound by all provisions stated herein. If you do not agree to these Terms of Use, please do not use the Site. Unless otherwise stated, any reference to "Vonaju" shall include our affiliates and subsidiaries. If any content on this Site or your use of the Site violates the laws of your jurisdiction, please do not use the Site.

The Site is intended solely for your personal use, including viewing the Site, providing information to the Site, downloading product information for personal use, and purchasing products.

Vonaju reserves the right to revise these Terms of Use at any time, and such revisions will be effective immediately upon posting on this page. You are bound by any such revisions and should regularly review these Terms of Use.

Additional Terms of Use may apply to specific parts of the Site, and your use of such areas signifies your agreement to be bound by those additional terms. Vonaju reserves the right to terminate your access to the Site at any time if you fail to comply with these Terms of Use.

These Terms of Use do not create any joint venture, partnership, employment, or agency relationship between Vonaju and you. Failure to enforce any right or provision of these Terms of Use does not constitute a waiver of such right or provision.

Using your information:

If you provide Vonaju with any information, including feedback, data, questions, comments, suggestions, or similar materials, that information will NOT be considered confidential. All such submissions will become the property of Vonaju, and your submission will be an assignment to Vonaju of all worldwide rights, titles, and interests in such information. Vonaju will not be liable for any use or disclosure of such information and will be free to reproduce, use, disclose, and distribute the information to others without limitation. Vonaju will be free to use any ideas, concepts, know-how or techniques contained in such information for any purpose whatsoever, including but not limited to developing, manufacturing and marketing products which incorporate or otherwise rely upon such information.

Vonaju welcomes your comments and suggestions on its site and products. However, Vonaju does not seek to solicit, and is not soliciting, any confidential or proprietary ideas, suggestions, materials or other information relating to developing, designing, redesigning, modifying, manufacturing, or marketing its products or any new products. By submitting information, you warrant that Vonaju may publish such information, use it as part of its operations, and incorporate its concepts in Vonaju products without liability.

Product and Pricing

The information on this Site does not constitute a binding offer to sell products described on the Site. Vonaju reserves the right at any time after receipt of your order to accept or decline your order, or any portion thereof, in our sole discretion, even after your receipt of an order confirmation or after your credit card has been charged. Although Vonaju has made every effort to display the products and their colors as accurately as possible, the displayed colors of the products will depend upon the monitor of the user and Vonaju cannot guarantee that the user's monitor will accurately portray the actual colors of the products. Products displayed may be out-of-stock or discontinued, and prices are subject to change. Vonaju is not responsible for typographical errors regarding price or any other matter. Subject to the foregoing, the prices displayed are quoted in UK pounds and are effective only for UK purchases. Purchases are subject to applicable taxes to be paid by the purchaser, and do not include shipping and handling. 

Limitation of Liability

Vonaju strives to offer visitors convenient and accurate information on its site. However, inaccuracies and errors may occur despite our efforts to be timely and accurate. We reserve the right to make changes or corrections to the site without notice. Not all products on the site are available in all regions, and we cannot guarantee that the information on the site is appropriate or that the products are available for purchase in all jurisdictions.

Our site is operated from the UK, and some software may be subject to government export controls or other restrictions. By using our site, you accept these restrictions and assume all risks and responsibilities. We do not provide any warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to title, merchantability, non-infringement, and fitness for a particular purpose. We also do not guarantee that our site is free of viruses, bugs, or other harmful components. You are responsible for verifying any information on the site before relying on it.

Vonaju is not responsible for any non-Vonaju websites to which our site may link, and we make no warranties of any kind regarding these external sites.

In no event shall Vonaju, our affiliates, directors, officers, employees, agents, or content or service providers be liable for any damages, tangible or intangible, arising from any cause, including but not limited to loss of use, profits, or data, or any other kind of damage, arising out of or in connection with the use of the information on, or accessed through, our site.

We reserve the right to withdraw access to the site or revise our services and products at any time without notice.

Gift Cards

Vonaju retains the right to decline the transmission or issuance of gift cards, including e-gift cards, that feature language which is deemed vulgar, obscene, abusive, profane, or in any way offensive.


Any disputes related to these Terms of Use, your use of this website, or any transaction with Vonaju shall be resolved through confidential arbitration in the United Kingdom. Any claims or legal actions you may have against Vonaju must be filed within one year of the incident. However, if you violate or threaten to violate any of Vonaju's intellectual property rights, Vonaju may seek appropriate relief in any court of law in the United Kingdom. By using this website, you consent to the exclusive jurisdiction and venue of the courts located in the United Kingdom. The arbitration proceedings will be governed by the rules of the British Arbitration Association, and the arbitrator's decision will be final and binding. Any dispute resolution will be conducted only on an individual basis, not as a class, consolidated, or representative action.

Additional Disclaimer

Due to government export control or other restrictions, some software available for download on our site may be subject to limitations. As Vonaju operates from the United Kingdom, we advise all visitors to acknowledge these restrictions and confirm that they are not subject to them. Please note that by using our site, you assume all responsibility and risk, and Vonaju disclaims all warranties, representations, and endorsements, including but not limited to those regarding the accuracy, reliability, and usefulness of any information accessed from or via our site. We also do not guarantee that our site is free of harmful components such as computer viruses or bugs. Vonaju reserves the right to modify the content or code on our site at any time without notice, and we shall not be liable for any damages resulting from the use or performance of the information on our site. Additionally, we make no warranties of any kind with regard to non-Vonaju websites that visitors may be directed to from our site.

Future Changes of Terms

Vonaju reserves the right to revise these Terms at any time by updating this posting. By continuing to use the Site, you are agreeing to be bound by the current version of these Terms, and we recommend that you periodically review this page to stay informed of any changes.

Brand Protection


Vonaju and its parent company are committed to delivering only high-quality, authentic products to our customers. We strongly condemn counterfeiting as it is a violation of the law and puts the health and safety of our customers at risk. Counterfeit products are often produced in violation of labor laws, including child labor and human rights laws. Furthermore, counterfeiting has been linked to organized crime and terrorism, and can have a negative impact on the economy, resulting in lost revenues, jobs, and taxes. It is estimated that the cost of counterfeiting to the UK economy is significant.

Anti-Counterfeiting Efforts

At Vonaju, we are committed to protecting our brand and consumers from the dangers of counterfeit products. We work closely with law enforcement and customs officials worldwide to ensure the shipment and sale of counterfeit goods are halted. Additionally, we vigilantly monitor all online and offline channels to detect any instances of counterfeit merchandise. We will take swift and decisive action against any individual or organization found to be producing or distributing counterfeit Vonaju products, and we will use every available legal remedy to protect our brand and consumers. Counterfeiting is a serious crime that threatens not only our business, but also public safety, economic growth, and the integrity of our supply chain. We will spare no effort to combat this menace and hold perpetrators accountable.

Official Channels

At Vonaju, we take the authenticity of our products very seriously. To ensure that you're purchasing an authentic Vonaju product, we recommend shopping at Vonaju retail and outlet stores or on our official website at We also partner with authorized department stores and specialty stores to offer our products. 

Please be aware that we do not authenticate products or identify authorized distributors upon request. We strongly advise our customers to exercise caution when purchasing Vonaju products from third-party vendors, as counterfeit products are often sold through flea markets, street vendors, and mall kiosks. If a deal or price seems too good to be true, it probably is.

Beware of counterfeit websites that claim to be official Vonaju sites. These fraudulent sites may use misspellings of our name in their URL or imitate the layout and appearance of our official website. They may also appear in search engine results. Some examples of these counterfeit websites include,, and

We also caution our customers against purchasing Vonaju products from auction websites, as they may falsely claim authenticity in their product listings. Please note that counterfeiting is illegal, and the purchase of counterfeit goods not only puts you at risk of receiving a substandard product, but it also supports criminal activity that often involves child labor, terrorism, and other serious violations of human rights.

In order to protect our customers and our brand, we work closely with law enforcement and customs officials worldwide to stop the shipment and sale of counterfeit goods. We also monitor online and offline channels for counterfeit merchandise. By purchasing only from authorized sellers and being vigilant about the authenticity of the products you buy, you can help us in our efforts to combat counterfeiting and ensure that you receive only genuine Vonaju products.

Report Counterfeits

At Vonaju, we take brand protection very seriously. We are committed to ensuring that our customers receive only authentic and high-quality products from our brand. Counterfeiting is illegal and harms not only our brand but also the consumers who unknowingly purchase fake products. These counterfeit products do not undergo proper inspection processes and may not adhere to safety, health, and wage regulations, including child labor and human rights laws.

To protect our brand and customers from counterfeits, we work closely with law enforcement and customs officials both domestically and internationally. We also monitor both online and offline channels to identify counterfeit merchandise. Any suspicious activities related to counterfeit Vonaju products can be reported using our counterfeit reporting form or by calling our counterfeit hotline at [insert number here].

We take every report seriously and investigate all leads to combat unauthorized production and sale of counterfeit Vonaju merchandise. You can rest assured that your personal information will remain anonymous, and we only use your email address to investigate your report. We appreciate any information you could share with us to assist in our efforts, including the location of the merchandise and the type and number of products being offered for sale.

Counterfeits harm not only our brand but also the economy, including lost revenues, jobs, and taxes. As a responsible brand, we are dedicated to stopping counterfeiting activities, and we appreciate your help in achieving our goal of delivering only authentic and high-quality products to our customers.